Today's tutorial is very similar to
Day 8, except
that we will animate the plane image so that it looks like the propellor
is spinning. I started out with the graphics from Day 8 and then
manipulated them. You can see what I mean here.
For the sake of saving time I decided that the plane will only move
up, down, left or right and not in any diagonal direction.
One of the purposes of this tutorial is to give you a basic understanding
of timers. Make sure that you understand the frames variable
and how it is used to animate the propellor. You'll notice it's
basically the same as vbl_count from Day
7. Also notice how animcnt is used - this is very
To convert the graphic, use the following:
gfx2gba -fsrc -m -pbackground.pal -t8 water.bmp
Again, the sprite will not be in a tile/map format, so type: