Well, we've finally gotten to the
end of the first 'week.' I think it's about time to put together the
various things we've learned into a project. What we'll do now is
work on a Tetris-style game.
NOTE: We are not going to actually finish the game now (although
you can feel free to try that if you really want). I may come
back to this for a later project.
For this tutorial I've created one sprite image and two background
images. Copy these files to the gfx directory. This is going
to be a two step process.
First, go to that directory and type: gfx2gba -t8 -m -pmaster.pal -fsrc *.bmp
This will create the following files: master.pal.c
Now we have the necessary background image files and one palette for all of our graphics. The problem is, however, that we don't
want the sprite to be in a tile/map format, so we'll type the following
command: gfx2gba -D -fsrc -pblock_L.pal -t8 block_L.bmp
This will create the proper blocks_L.raw.c
NOTE: We will not need block_L.map.c or block_L.pal
so you should delete those now.
There is one thing you'll need to know before we start that I didn't
explain fully earlier - transparency (or alpha blending). The first
color in the palette array is the alpha color. What this means is
that any part of your image which has that color is transparent.
The system palette in Windows has black in the first spot. Therefore,
any part of my image which is black will not be drawn to the screen.
You can tell this if you look at outline_plain.bmp
and compare it to how it looks in the 'game.'
Well, here we go. Pay attention now, this may seem a little tricky!
// The Main HAM Library
#include <mygba.h>
// Graphics Includes
// gfx2gba -t8 -m -pmaster.pal -fsrc *.bmp
#include "gfx/master.pal.c"
#include "gfx/bubbles.raw.c"
#include "gfx/bubbles.map.c"
#include "gfx/outline_plain.raw.c"
#include "gfx/outline_plain.map.c"
// gfx2gba -D -fsrc -pblock_L.pal -t8 block_L.bmp
#include "gfx/block_L.raw.c"
// Global Variables
u8 block; // Sprite object number of the block
u8 block_x = 61; // X position of block (column)
u8 block_y = 0; // Y position of block (row)
u8 vbl_count = 0; // Keeps track of the number of VBLs
// Function Prototypes
void vbl_func(); // VBL function
void query_buttons(); // Query for input
void move_block(); // Drop the block
void update_block(); // Apply block's new position
// Function: main()
int main()
// Variables
map_fragment_info_ptr bg_bubbles;
map_fragment_info_ptr bg_outline_plain;
// Initialize HAMlib
// Initialize the text display system
// Setup the background mode
// Initialize the palettes
// Setup the tileset for our image
ham_bg[0].ti = ham_InitTileSet(
ham_bg[1].ti = ham_InitTileSet(
// Setup the map for our image
ham_bg[0].mi = ham_InitMapEmptySet(3,0);
ham_bg[1].mi = ham_InitMapEmptySet(3,0);
bg_bubbles = ham_InitMapFragment(
bg_outline_plain = ham_InitMapFragment(
// Display the background
// Draw some text
ham_DrawText(21,8,"Next Up");
// Setup the block
block = ham_CreateObj((void*)block_L_Bitmap,
// Start the VBL interrupt handler
// Infinite loop to keep the program running
while(1) {}
return 0;
} // End of main()
// Function: vbl_func()
// Purpose: VBL function
void vbl_func()
// Increment VBL counter
// Copy block sprite to hardware
// Process the following every VBL
query_buttons(); // Query for input
move_block(); // Drop the block
update_block(); // Apply block's new position
} // End of vbl_func()
// Function: query_buttons()
// Purpose: Query for input
void query_buttons()
if (block_y > 0) block_y = 0;
ham_DrawText(1,18,"Up ");
if (block_y < 117) block_y++;
ham_DrawText(1,18,"Down ");
if (block_x > 61) block_x--;
ham_DrawText(1,18,"Left ");
if (block_x < 120) block_x++;
} // End of query_buttons()
// Function: move_block()
// Purpose: Drop the block 1 pixel every 5 VBLs
void move_block()
// Check if 5 VBLs have passed
if (vbl_count == 4) {
if (block_y < 117) block_y++; // Drop
vbl_count = 0; // Reset the VBL counter
} // End of move_block()
// Function: update_block()
// Purpose: Apply the block's new position
void update_block()
} // End of update_block()
Code Explanation
// Global Variables
I think these should all be self explanatory.
// Function Protoypes
I will explain each function after I explain what's in main()
map_fragment_info_ptr bg_bubbles;
See Day 6 if you've forgotten what this is.
For this project we will do our text output on background 2. Backgrounds
0 and 1 will be used for the playing field.
block = ham_CreateObj(...)
If you don't remember what this is, take a look at Day
This is a very important function. Basically what it does is tells
the CPU in the GBA that every vertical blank it should run the function
we specifiy. In this case, we will create a function called vbl_func().
You may ask, what is a vertical blank? A vertical blank occurs every
time the GBA finishes writing everything to the screen which is
usually 60 times a second.
NOTE: For more info on GBA interrupts, etc, click here.
Hardware Interrupts)
Every VBL we need to check for user input, move the block 1 pixel downward, and then update the X & Y position in memory (which gets updated to the screen the next time ham_CopyObjToOAM() is called.
void query_buttons() {...}
All this function does is check if the D-Pad is pressed, outputs
the direction that was pressed, and if it's legal, it moves the
piece. I don't think there's anything difficult about this, but
feel free to tinker with it to see how/why it works. Notice that pressing UP moves the block back to the top.
void move_block() {...} Notice that vbl_count gets incremented at the beginning of vbl_func() or once every VBL. When 5 VBLs have passed (0,1,2,3,4) we moved the piece one pixel downward and reset the VBL counter to zero.