// Filename: ai.h
// Author: Aaron Rogers
// Updated: 09/07/02
// Purpose: Tic Tac Toe game AI

#ifndef AI_H
#define AI_H

// Library Includes
#include "game.h"

u8 ai_move(TICTACTOE *ttt, u8 skill); // Resposible for determing AI move

u8 move_to_win(TICTACTOE *ttt, u8 turn); // Is there a winning move
u8 move_to_block(TICTACTOE *ttt, u8 turn); // Is there a blocking move
u8 move_to_good(TICTACTOE *ttt, u8 turn); // Is there a good move to make
u8 move_to_corner(TICTACTOE *ttt); // Is a corner open
u8 move_to_center(TICTACTOE *ttt); // Is the center open
u8 move_to_open(TICTACTOE *ttt); // Pick a random spot

u8 win_move(TICTACTOE *ttt, u8 x, u8 turn); // Would this spot win
u8 other_turn(u8 turn); // Swap turn to the other player
